Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Rosaura gave birth to her first son the other day, Roberto. And as weird as it is, I have allot of love for this baby. I'm working o a meal for baby Roberto's baptism, and Pedro walks in. We stared at each other and the communication between our eyes made my love for him return. A couple days earlier, Mama Elena ran to the market to get supplies for Rosaura's unborn child and Pedro went to the village to get a doctor. While everyone was gone, Rosaura went into labor and I was the only person there. Mama Elena and Pedro both got help up and were unable to make it back in time, which left me to deliver my nephew. I had absolutely no idea on how to even begin delivering Rosaura's child, until Nacha's voice began to guide me like she was giving a recipe. In the end, with the help of Nacha's voice in my head, a beautiful healthy baby boy was brought into the world. The doctor, Pedro and Mama Elena all eventually returned and they praised me for my good work. However, Rosaura was not feeling the greatest, the birth took allot out of her. And during it she had suffered an attack of eclampsia which could have killed her. This urged Mama Elena to ask the doctor if he would be able to do daily visits. It didn't take long for us to realize that Rosaura was unable to produce milk for her child. Mama went out immediately and found someone who could nurse the baby, but the woman was killed shortly after. Mama Elena couldn't find anyone else to nurse the baby, so I took on the responsibility. I tried feeding Roberto everything, but he just wouldn't take anything other then breast milk. After hearing him cry and cry I gave him my breast just to use as a pacifier, and to my surprise he was actually getting milk. I was an unmarried woman with no kids and I was able to produce milk, yet Rosaura could not. It was bizarre, but I liked it. Pedro walked in one day and saw me doing this, therefore it helped me get close to not only the baby but also Pedro. For mine and the baby's sake, Pedro helped me hide this from everyone else. However, it wasn't long till Mama Elena thought something was going on. She arranged for Pedro, Roberto, and Rosaura to move out to San Antonio. She said that there was better medical care out there for Rosaura. Hearing this, I was crushed. I couldn't stand the fact that I was going to be separated from my nephew and Pedro, both whom I love. After they left, I lost all interest in doing what I was supposed to do around the house. I started growing very fond the pigeons and doves we have on the ranch, since there was no one else I could talk to. I would go out and sit with them instead of actually doing what Mama Elena wanted me to do. After our ranch was invaded by the federal troops, and they took most of the doves and pigeons with them, I was left with absolutely nothing. Mama Elena had taken some of the most important stuff and stored it away so we would have somethings left after the invasion. Since I had no one or nothing to talk to, I guess you can say I went into depression. And on top of all this, we received word that Roberto had passed away because Rosaura was unable to provide food for him. When Roberto passed away, I felt like I lost one of my own children. When Mama Elena scolded me for mourning the death of my nephew I lashed out on her and told her it was her fault. Even faster then I could get the words out of my mouth Mama Elena struck me across the face with a wooden spoon. She hit me with suck force that me nose was broken. This action put me in an even deeper depression before, and I went into almost a state of acoma. When Mama Elena saw me like this, she sent me away to an asylum with Dr.Brown. Before I left Chencha gives me the bedspread I have been crocheting..

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