Thursday, April 8, 2010


After being in depression for so long, the only thing that was able to cure me was food of course. Chencha visited from the De La Garza ranch and brings me ox-tail soup. After taking my first bite it brought back memories of the time I spent in the kitchen with Nacha. Instantly I began to cry, and so did Chencha. As for this was the first recipe I remembered since my breakdown. I asked Chencha to relay a message to the ranch when she returned. I asked her to tell them that I wasn't to return to the ranch. After Chencha left, John proposed to me and I was actually really excited to begin my new life with him. However, before Chencha was able to return and give the message to the ranch she was raped by bandits and Mama Elena was attacked while trying to defend her. Hearing this I returned to the ranch to care for Chencha and Mama Elena, and carefully prepared the ox-soup the had helped me out of my depression. Hoping that it would help make Mama Elena better, but she rejected it. She refused to let me take care of her, saying she was embarrassed that the child she disowned was trying to take care of her. I prepared this dish with so much love that I was sure that it would help her. But she was convinced that I poisoned it. She no longer trusted me with her food, and only allowed Chencha to prepare it for her. There was one time when Chencha was out and I secretly prepared her food for her, but with one taste she knew it was me. This upset Mama Elena and caused her to fire Chencha. Since she was unable to find someone to replace Chencha I ended up cooking for Mama again. No matter how many meals I prepared for she still couldn't get the thought that I was poisoning her. Within a month Mama Elena died, due to her over dosing on ipecacs. Ipecac is a pill she would take when she feared she was being poisoned by my food. As much as Mama Elena hurt me and for as much harm she put me through I was still extremely upset over her death. While dressing her for the wake I discovered a set of keys that I wasn't exactly sure what they went to. I later discovered that they went to a box, that contained a bunch of love letters. It appeared that Mama Elena was in love with a boy but was forced to marry another. Ironic that she was in some sort of the same situation as I am.. At the funeral I decided I was ready to take John as my husband and love him, however my love for Pedro will always be.

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