Monday, April 5, 2010


Since our cook, Nacha, has raised me since I was an infant the kitchen has become my home. I have learned to cook and prepare hundreds of dishes, and every smell has become a sixth sense to me. I can easily decipher what food smells like what. However, my sisters, Rosaura and Gertrudis, were terrified of the kitchen. One time when we were young I got them to play in the kitchen with me and Rosaura ended up burning her hand on the griddle. I got scolded that day by Mama Elena, and neither of them has played with me since. Therefore, Nacha became my best friend and we did everything together. The other day me and Nacha prepared some sausage and everyone sat around the table to eat. Before everyone leaves the table, we have to wait till Mama Elena tells use "That's it for today." Today before Mama Elena dismissed us, i told her that Pedro Muzquiz would like to come and speak with her.. After a long, heart wrenching silence, Mama Elena asked, "And why should this gentleman want to come talk to me?" Shaking in fear, i responded by saying i didn't know. Mama Elena responded as if she knew what he was going to ask her already. She told me that if he intended to ask for my hand, to tell him not to bother. She reminded me of the family tradition, which was that the youngest child as to take care of their mother until her death. Meaning they couldn't get married or move on with their lives till that day. I personally think this tradition is ridiculous! It only makes sense that the oldest child takes care of the mother because they are more suitable! Mama Elena did not speak to me for a week straight after this. Luckily she started talking to me again, however, that luck was short lived. The next day Pedro showed up at the house with his father, to ask for my hand marriage. Mama Elena talked to them in the living room and was unusually nice. She explained to them why it was impossible for me to marry. Then Mama Elena did something totally unexpected. She offered my sister's hand in marriage! She was letting my sister marry the one person i was in love with! I was devastated. Every time I would close my eyes i saw last Christmas when me and Pedro first met, and it killed me inside..

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