Monday, April 5, 2010


Today I was told I had to help Nacha make Rosaura's and Pedro's food for their wedding, along with the wedding cake... boy was that a smack in the face. We're making capons because Mama Elena wants to impress everyone with not only the taste of the bird but also all the hard long work that had to be put into the preparation. With everything going on right now and with everything that was running through my head, I shook while I worked. I thought I was the only person to know this, but apparently not cause Mama Elena came over and asked me about it. With one look at my face she must have known because she slapped me and sent me flying. After that action I was furious, I beat the cake batter with such force that we were almost done when I lost it.. as Nacha was cracking the second to last egg I could have sworn there was a baby chicken in it. I screamed and caused a scene and what not, and it ended up there was nothing in the egg. I couldn't tell you what happened to me that day, maybe I am going crazy. I was finally able to let it all out while finishing up the cake batter, which took longer then it should have due to the fact that it wouldn't thicken because I was crying over it. After the batter was done me and Nacha had to make the filling for the cake. The filling called for preserves, and luckily me and Nacha had made a ton of jars ahead of time. Remembering the day we made them made me remember something else.. I went out to get the fruit that day and ending up having to carry it in my skirt, because I forgot my basket. I walked into the kitchen with my skirt held high and was shocked to run straight into Pedro. Because I was startled i drop some of the fruit, which Pedro bent down to pick up. With that he saw the part of my leg that was exposed and I quickly dropped my shirt, along with the rest of the fruit that rolled onto his head. I apologized, and Pedro said he would like to explain himself. I dismissed him, and left the room. He has hurt me enough and plus i didn't want Mama Elena to catch me talking to him.. After the filling, we made the icing. Nacha had to finish it, because I wasn't able to see clearly from all my crying. The day of the wedding i wanted nothing more then to switch places with Nacha. I not only had to attend the wedding ceremony, but I also had to hide my emotions. At the ceremony I was able to hear the conversations between the guests. Each comment the guests made I felt like a stab in my back. However, I did not care for them at all. I put on an act, like a great actress, and thought about anything other then the wedding. My mind wandered back to my great triumphs. Like the one when i was nine and I played hooky with some boys from school. I was so proud that day. Or the day when I was fourteen and I stopped the out of control horse carriage. I received a heroines reception. These little memories are what got me though the wedding with a fake smile on. After the wedding, I congratulated both Rosuara and Pedro. Pedro was much closer to me at that moment then he was supposed to be and he quietly whispered in my hear that he would be happy because he has gained the chance to be near me, the woman he really loved. These few words from him gave me hope. Mama Elena saw this from a distance and she quickly came over, telling me if she ever saw me by Pedro again I would be sorry. The cake was later served and for some reason it seemed to have affected everyone in a negative way aside from me. Every one started vomiting and Mama Elena was convinced that I put something in the cake to spoil the wedding on purpose. There was nothing I could do to convince her that I didn't put anything in it. That night Mama Elena had beat me like she never beat me before and I ran home to Nacha, only to find her dead on the floor with a picture of her fiancee in her hand. With Nacha gone, I was now alone.

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