Thursday, April 8, 2010


After my intercourse with Pedro, I feared I was pregnant due to the fact that I have missed a period. I'm afraid that I will now have to cancel my engagement to John now that I am no longer a virgin. These thoughts clouded my mind while I prepared the bread for King's Day. This recipe brought back memories of Nacha and Gertrudis. As I cooked the bread Rosaura approached me and asked me to help her. She has been having troubles digesting her food, which is causing her to have bad breathe, gas, and its making her over weight. John has prescribed her a diet plan but she came to me for extra advice. I told her I would help her, and the fact that she now trusted me enough to come to me for help killed me. Guilt ran through my body like you would not believe. I felt terrible. And it made me feel even worse when she started telling me how her and Pedro's marriage was suffering. No sooner then Rosaura left the room did Mama Elena's spirit come in and haunt it. She scolded me and cursed mine and Pedro's unborn child. That night at the King's Day party, Gertrudis came back to the ranch. I was over joyed by her return and we spent the rest of the night talking about her new life. With Gertrudis back i feel like she is the only one I have to talk to, and so I tell her about what happened with Pedro. She tells me to tell him about the pregnancy. When I told him he was over joyed and he wanted to run away with me, but then he remember about his family and had to rethink, Neither of us were sure about what to do. Mama Elena's spirit showed up that night, scolding me once again. I lashed out at the spirit telling her i hated her and i always have. These harsh word seemed to have got ride of her. Something odd happened, and I let out a fireball of heat that found its way to Pedro and set him on fire! everyone rushed over, but when I was the only one he called to for help Rosaura ran away in humiliation and I was left to care for wounded Pedro. Soon after that, Gertrudis leaves the ranch, and John returns that same day. I was so excited to see him, but i was dreading telling him the news..

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